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We believe in the richness, creativity and value that Ghanaian fashion offers. From the fabric to the styling and from the patterns to the detail, Ghanaian designed apparel and accessories are distinct and debonair.

Our primary focus is positioning and promoting Ghanaian clothing in larger markets via Online and Conventional Retail. 

On a broader scale, we provide

credible, authentic and prudent representation

of Ghanaian brands.

Our Visionary Founder and Chief Executive is British-born, American-seasoned Nigerian, Samuel Jonathan. During his illustrious career as a Corporate Trainer, Executive MC, Author and Public Speaking Coach in Ghana, Samuel draped himself in tastefully designed Ghanaian clothes, 7 days a week. Regardless of your company's position on the Ghana Club 100 or Fortune 500, if you wanted him to MC your corporate event or have your personnel partake of his signature coaching style, you will see him in a Ghanaian outfit!


To the surprise of many Ghanaians (especially in Corporate Ghana), Mr. Jonathan never believed that you have to be clothed in Western suits & ties in order to give world-class delivery. Day after day, year after year, he demonstrated and proved that you can be drssed in local attire and give global performance.


After successfully establishing one of Africa's leading training companies, the Royal Centre for Public Speaking (in Accra), Samuel made it mandatory for all members of staff to wear Ghanaian clothing to work each day and for all company-related events.


In August 2015, the Royal Centre for Public Speaking ventured into holding its first Public Speaking Masterclass in Nigeria. As usual, Mr. Jonathan proudly wore his elegant Ghanaian apparel for all his media appearances, corporate training functions and speaking engagements. The numerous compliments from fellow Nigerians were of ceaseless admiration of the Ghanaian clothing he proudly and continually adorned.


Within 90 days of its arrival in Nigeria, the Royal Centre for Public Speaking had conducted iconic training events across major cities in Nigeria, received hundreds of testimonials and doubled its social media following!


In  continuous dedication, love and passion for Ghanaian fashion, Lord & Samuel Company started Ghana Label. We intend to utilise the capital of trust and good will, which we have earned, to promote Ghanaian Fashion Designers and introduce their creativity to larger markets, starting with Nigeria.

A short-list of companies and organizations that have experienced 

The SamuelJonathan Brand

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